Taking care of our eyes is fundamental to maintaining good visual health. In this article, we will explore different aspects related to eye health, addressing topics such as the use of false eyelashes, acne treatments and their possible impact on the eyes.

In addition, we will detail the effect of vaccines on eye health, the importance of eye care in children and how high blood pressure can affect our eyes. We will also discuss the use of colored contact lenses on Halloween and the necessary care. 

Throughout this text, we will discover how each of these aspects can influence eye health and provide practical tips to keep our eyes protected and in optimal condition.

take care eye


Use of false eyelashes

The use of false eyelashes has become popular in the beauty field. However, it is important to note that improper or careless use can pose a risk to eye health.

When applying false eyelashes, it is crucial to avoid contact with the eyes and make sure to use safe and quality adhesives. In addition, it is advisable not to use false eyelashes continuously, allowing rest periods to allow the eyelash hair follicles to regenerate naturally.

take care eye


Acne treatments and their possible impact on the eyes

Some acne treatments, such as topical retinoids, may cause eye dryness and light sensitivity in some people. It is important to use these medications under the supervision of a dermatologist and, if eye discomfort or symptoms are experienced, to inform the physician to consider treatment adjustments or measures to protect the eyes, such as the use of ocular lubricants.


Effect of vaccines on eye health.

Most vaccines do not cause significant adverse effects on the eyes. However, in rare cases, some people may experience mild eye symptoms after receiving certain vaccines, such as redness, itching, eye pain or swollen eyelids.

These symptoms are usually temporary and go away on their own. If symptoms persist or are worrisome, seeking medical attention is recommended.   

eye care 

Ophthalmologic care for children

Children's visual health is of utmost importance. Regular eye examinations from an early age are essential to detect vision problems and correct them in time.

Eye examinations in children can help identify conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or strabismus, allowing timely treatment that contributes to proper visual development.

In addition, nowadays, check-ups and appointments with the ophthalmologist are often short with instruments such as Kaleidos, which allows for quick analysis.


High blood pressure and its impact on the eyes

High blood pressure can affect the blood vessels in the eye, known as hypertensive retinopathy. This condition can cause damage to the retina and decrease visual acuity. It is important to control blood pressure and lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent eye complications associated with hypertension.


Wearing colored contact lenses on Halloween

During Halloween, it is common to use colored contact lenses to add special effects to costumes. However, it is essential to purchase these lenses through reliable channels and use them as directed by a contact lens specialist. 

Improper use of contact lenses can lead to eye infections or injuries. In addition, it is important to maintain proper lens hygiene and respect the recommended wearing times.

In this sense, it is essential to visit a specialist before using these lenses and ask if he/she has the ERK-BH. This is a very complete Automatic Keratometer Refractometer that will allow you to measure the adaptation of these lenses to your eyes.


Eye health requires constant attention and care. 

From the use of false eyelashes to the impact of acne treatments, vaccinations, children's eye care, high blood pressure and the use of colored contact lenses on Halloween, it is essential to be informed and take steps to protect our eyes. 

Remember to consult with eye care professionals and follow their recommendations to maintain healthy vision and enjoy a good quality of eye life. However, in case you cannot get an appointment with a specialist, any eye care center can diagnose and analyze your vision with EFC-2600, a product that is currently in stock.