Huvitz Biometry Module HOCT-Biometry Module
HOCT provides all the data you need for quick and easy calculations for optimizing the IOL lens power. Biometry from the Cornea to the Macula.
From the Cornea to the Macula, HOCT displays 2D images and provides all data along the anterior and posterior segments.
After measurement is complete, the User can identify and make adjustments where necessary. Also, it is possible to evaluate a dense cataract or defects in the macula.

Visible Measurement by 2D Image
User can easily adjust lines to analyze structures, by moving the cursor on the monitor in real-time. This can allow for a customized treatment of the non-typical Patient.

More Precise Biometry
Accurate Measurement by 2D Image:
Visualize & Measure in Full Anterior Image of 16 mm
* Confirmation Display able to Choose & Readjustment
Users can make adjustments along the axial line, as well as remove measurements that fall outside of normal in order to create accurate statistics for the IOL calculation.
* Full Anterior Image for Wider Evaluation
With the Wide Lens measurement, Users can obtain a full anterior image. With a simple click the CCT, ACD, ACA, W-to-W, LV, TISA, and TID* can be identified to aide in the diagnosis and management of Glaucoma.
* Contact Lens Fitting with Instant Check
HOCT allows Users to check the suitability of Hard & Soft Contact Lenses for their Patients. It can also check the fit of an existing Contact Lens, quickly & precisely.

* Reliable IOL Lens Recommendation
HOCT recommends the optimal IOL Lens Power, based on biometry & corneal curvature with clinical data so that Users can easily make their surgical plan taking into consideration dense cataracts, corneal disease, or glaucoma.
* View Function to Check the Basis of Disease
Full Anterior Image, 12 types of Cornea Tomograph, Biometry Data (AL, LT, CCT, ACD) Tomography Image of Cornea.
Comparison of asymmetry between left & right eyes with OU display.

Biometry Module - Educational Video - Spanish Version
Biometry Module - Educational Video - Spanish Version